Review: This Love

This Love
This Love by Lea Darragh
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a second novella of Lea Darragh that I’ve read. I’ve learnt now that she writes emotionally gut wrenching stories. I mean, isn’t it one of the worse things ever for your bridegroom to die in a car accident on the way to the wedding? And that’s how this story began.

The grief Emerson felt pervaded her whole being and there was nothing left of her. It is time for her to embrace life once again and she feels that she may be ready for it. Life, however, always brings some unexpected twist which sometimes can be the ultimate gift. Personally, I can’t say whether this grief felt by Emerson & Jack are genuine as I’ve never really experience the death of a dearly loved one (*knock wood*). I’m actually not quite sure how realistic it is the story of Emerson & Jack; it just seems to be an enormous step for anyone to make and will require a very very big heart and a ton of courage. Nevertheless, it’s rather nice to think that anyone can.

I was rather amused with the characters checking with Dr. Google. I wasn’t quite amused by the length of the sex scenes which spanned approximately 10% and in one big chunk. I wouldn’t mind so much if it was spread out a bit, I think, but after 5%, I lost interest even though what they’re supposed to have was a lovely act between 2 loving consenting adults. Overall, I rather enjoyed this novella; a quick charming read in yesterday’s heat.

Thanks to Escape Publishing for copy eARC via NetGalley in exchange of honest review

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