Reading Challenges – 2014

Ever since I discovered all these bookworm social networks, firstly Shelfari followed by GoodReads, I have been completely totally absolutely addicted to this thing called Reading Challenge.  I have participated in many and completed not so many, ha ha ha.  I’m sure many of you understand where I’m coming from.

I realised this year specifically I haven’t really participated in challenges aside from signing up and reading haphazardly so I wanted to get back on the horse in 2014 BUT to specifically focussed on Reading Challenges that I created myself (as opposed to signing up to challenges hosted by others).  This is because I found that I had lots of FUN creating challenges but didn’t end up completing my own -what a waste!  In any case, I moderated a group on GR that I usually put these challenges up but I’d want to share the fun for all of you who aren’t on GR either 🙂

So far, here are my challenges for 2014:

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