Review: Fire Baptized

Fire Baptized
Fire Baptized by Kenya Wright
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was approached by the author for a review. As the blurb interests me, I agreed. It was definitely a fun read; fast-paced and action-packed.

What I really loved was the world of Habitat. This is a paranormal dystopian novel. It is an interesting combo. The supernaturals along with some unwanted humans are forced to live in caged cities, branded to show their species. Just like any other cities, there are the rich in overflowing abundance of everything and there are the poor struggling to make ends meet. When there are imbalances, there will be forces that seek to address that imbalance. But this is just the beginning…

Lanore Vesta tries to keep to herself –this is her mode of survival but a scream for help was one she was compelled to check out. This was not the wisest course of action, it appears, because now, she’s being hunted down. With her ex-boyfriend but best friend since forever, MeShack, and a super-hot mysterious friend, Zulu, Lanore is so not going down.

Despite being a pretty fun read, I found that I couldn’t really truly like the characters. There was just something missing for me to click with these characters. More importantly, I found certain things they did / their reactions to certain things rather annoying, hence, my not-clicking not-quite-liking these characters. I loved their supernatural powers though. The murder mystery and romance were pretty intriguing as well. And I am pretty curious (at the way this book ended) to check out the next book in the series.

With thanks to the author for providing me with a copy of the book for an honest review.

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