My Reading Week

This past week, I’ve been bogged down by the read along for A Suitable Boy.  Reading about 400 pages per week took a lot out of my reading time of the week though I’m not complaining about the book.  It will take me a whole month to finish but I truly am enjoying this story.  The language is very accessible (everyday-conversational kind of English) and since this is the second Indian lit-chunky book I’m tackling 2 months in a row (read Shantaram last month), I’ve got this itch to wiggle my head whilst reading, lol.

Aside from the read-along, I’ve also had a bit of thinking to do about whether to stay in my current job where I know what I’m doing in a not so supportive environment or to take a step back (a less challenging job maybe) to take a breather and take stock of what I really want to do next.  I have been thinking about this a while now even though, financially, the second option is really not that viable, it might be better for me and my family, overall.

Anyway, aside from some short update of what’s happening with my life, I wanted to both show off, acknowledged receipt of books, and to thank each publishers for following:

A set of Liane Moriarty’s books from Pan McMillan Australia (won giveaway):

the husbands secret what alice forgot three wishes the last anniversary The Hypnotists Love Story

Books for review:

game souls combustioncatalpa legacy king hall 

 *phew* -a pretty big week!  Now if I could just finish A Suitable Boy so I can get on top of these exciting reads! Upcoming review:



4 thoughts on “My Reading Week

  1. Angelya

    Good luck with your career decisions Tien.. it’s not always an easy choice to make :-/ Looks like you’ve got a great selection of books there to take you away from everyday though 😉

    1. Tien Post author

      Thanks, Angelya… I made a decision and have taken steps but kept second guessing myself but all the signs are pointing the right way so we’ll see… 😀


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